“Not only those things, but I think that all things are worth nothing compared with the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of Him, I have lost all those things, and now I know they are worthless trash. This allows me to have Christ and to belong to him. Now I am right with God not because I follow the law, because I believe in Christ. God uses my faith to make me right with him. Philippians 3:8-10
Going into my freshmen year I was super excited, because I knew a lot of people and ready to start my High School years. My freshmen year I got tons of attention which I enjoyed. I had a good reputation because my sister was a good Christian role model and people were expecting me to be just like her! My first wrong turn: hanging with the wrong crowd (chose the wrong people). Which lead me to make wrong decisions and choices in life which led to consequences. Such as cursing, judging people, being fake, lying, talking talking to guys… a lot of guys, party invites by friends trying anyway to get there. I was popular I guess you can say, I only had my clique. I was a stuck up girl. We can fool man but we can’t fool God. We can play games with man but not with God. He knew what he has in store for my life. My best friend saw all this and followed me… I caught that and realized I wasn’t being a Christian. So I got “right with God” well it wasn’t for real though. I was going through the motions, pretty much faking my Christian life. The best of both worlds. I lived both worlds….On the outside I look like a Christian, went to church, heard some Christian music here and there, talked like a Christian, had some Christian t-shirts, etc… But you know ALL that stuff I listed didn’t make me a Christian. So next I had my bff follow me, wanting to be like me, “A Christian.” I influenced her a lot; her family told me that she changed. But she was pretty much going through what I’m going through. It was the physical change not the spiritual change.
Spamarama 2009 came oh yay great.. Still same bre. Sophomore year came, realized people going through tough tough times including me. So I wanted to help others with good advice but also Gods word. Wasn’t sure how great I could do that. I learned a lot from dad and other people but still wasn’t Gods words. I started a bible study group at my High School, it was small but its growing slowly. I was getting criticized because they thought I was faking my Christian life. Half way through sophomore year: BOOM, it hit me. I realized what I am doing! I needed to start living with God. With God is not the right term… But that’s what I did. Meaning I still haven’t really devoted my life to Him completely. Didn’t read his word nor talk to him couple times day, wasn’t a devoted Christian. Then in the summer went to Go Tell youth camp at SFA campus with our youth group from church. That’s where it hit me the most. I had the opportunity to witness to my new bff. It’s a long story… but ever since then I wanted to be Christian role model so I knew what’s first is to be devoted to God. For real this time, I cried out to God that week to make him the Lord of My Life. I basically re-dedicated my life. Holy Spirit gave me peace, love, and joy in my heart to restore it and awaken my heart and me. What an amazing wakeup call that was defiantly most needed. 2 weeks later Spamarama 2010 came. I’m still on fire for Him. Junior year came still on fire for Him. Today May 27, 2011 still on fire for Him. God changed my life to be totally committed to him, since I encounter Gods love because once you encounter Gods love you never want to go back! I need him to take over and control of my life and be the center of my life, because he sure did give it to me. I’m not letting it go to waste at all! Not one bit…. So now I’m not living with God, I’m living FOR GOD.